Wednesday, 15 February 2012

15th February 2012

Well this is just getting silly now. I went to bed last night and just could not get to sleep, lying there playing over scenarios in my head, if this happens we could do that, if that happens we can do this. How stupid we have not even had an offer yet on our house and I just cannot stop trying to plan for every possibillity. Anyhow at 2am I put my headphones on and listened to some music.

Yesterday we gave the Estate Agent a key so they can show people around if we are not here. It had not occurred to me to offer this until they tried to book a viewing in for Friday, when we are not around.

We have had a young couple view the property today. They spent a lot of time here, longer than most so far, and we heard them discussing what they could do with it, in terms of changes, extensions etc.

Now to try and relax and just let the Estate Agent do their job, yeh right.

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