Thursday, 8 March 2012

8th March 2012

What a worrier I am. As there was nothing else for me to do now with the move I was thinking yesterday of all the things that could now go wrong, and what a list I came up with. I am not going to share them with you because most of them are very silly, but it just shows how my mind works in thinking that anything could go wrong from just the buyer changing their mind to the buyer falling ill, and many more in between.

Anyhow to keep myself sort of involved in the process, I arranged for 3 Removal companies to come round to provide a quote for moving our stuff to storage in Kings Lynn.  Two are booked for Monday and one came round yesterday afternoon. He was very chatty, nice man but did go off at a tangent sometimes. One of the companies coming on Monday is one we used last time we moved 14 years ago, when I rang them and they told me Dennis was coming, I remembered the name straight away. Same guy as come to see us before.

This morning I just checked with Solcititors that they had received letter from Estate Agent, they confirmed that they had received it and had already contacted land registry to confirm our ownership and deed information. I phoned Estate Agent to find out why we had not got a letter yet, she said ours were sent out 2nd class. She said the solicitors received theirs hand delivered as they were near to them, so that's the main thing.

My little girl is 8 years old tomorrow. Remember her birthday so well. It was a lovely sunny day, I took the tube to Archway, as she was born in the Whittington Hospital due to Helen's problems with the first birth. I had a macdonald's breakfast and watched all the people going off to work. The C-Section was due for that morning and when I got to the hospital I found out we were first. When we went down we were introduced to the anesthetist, he looked exactly like Dustin Hoffman. He played some nice sooting music and then at 11.20am Kirsty was born, making alot of noise, which she then continued to do over the next 8 years.

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