Isn't it funny. You look for months ahead for rental properties and properties to buy and find only a handful which would suit. You keep checking sort out a shortlist and still keep checking for anything new to come on the market. You research and research. All homework is done. You have done as much as you can and you then proceed to rent and buy the best properties available to you at the time.
The all of a sudden once you have committed yourself other properties become available. Now I am not saying that we would change our mind or are not happy with where we are going it is just that now since we have sorted ourselves we receive details of other suitable rental properties and properties to buy.
Having seen these properties now available my only regret is on the rental. There is one now available which is much better than we have secured, much bigger, not much more in cost and better presented. Anyhow as we will not be in there for long I am not too botherered that we might not have the best rental.
Still in a funny mood. I can go from one minute thinking "great everything is in place now we are going to be moving and exchanging soon" to "oh what if he does not go in on Monday to sign the contracts, we might not move at all", it is really strange the way my mind switches so quickly.
I still start to do things and then think, no hold off, wait till we have exchanged in case something happens. It is silly really, he has done everything needed to show us he is going to buy, he has paid out a fair amount of money now so there is no reason why he should not proceed, but there is just this nagging uncertain doubt in the back of my mind.
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