All seems to be progressing nicely. Survey is booked in for Tuesday 8th May on the property we are buying. The boxes and packing materials turned up yesterday from the removal firm. Kirsty's bedroom is pretty much done now, Craig is sort of doing his but appears to have a problem understanding that things should be in 1 of 3 places. Either put out in the rubbish, in a box to go to his nans with him or in a box to be packed and sent to the rental house in King's Lynn. He is getting there though and come Saturday evening I hope his bedroom is ready, so that Sunday we can dismantle his bed.
Had a nightmare trying to set up phone and boradband at the rented house. When BT first checked they said there was no line there, and would need to send an engineer out. Previous tenants used Talk Talk, so I called them, they also said no line there but there deal was a bit better than BT. So I ordered the service and an engineer to come during our visit up there at half Term. Well I think I did, to be honest the person I was dealing with did not speak very good English. It actually took about half an hour to sort out because I just could not understand him.
Anyhow the email came through and the date the engineer was coming was shown as 15th May. So I rang him back and he said I would now have to talk to Customer Services. I did this and again got through to someone I could not understand. After 15 minutes she said we could cancel the order and start again as she could not amend the date, I had to go out at this point and said I would call back, she asked me to hold whilst she checked something. 5 minutes later she came back saying she could change the date, again her English was not very good and I was now running late and getting very frustrated that something so simple could not be done. In the end she said I needed to call back later, fuming I put the phone down and went out.
On my return I decided that Talk Talk were not for me. I had experience the customer service and it was not good, a quick google search found out that their customer service rating was not very good, not much use when you have a problem. So I rang again to cancel the order, got through to terminations, explained why I was not happy, the girl spoke perfect English and dealt with it very well. Got a cancellation number and an email to confirm.
I then phoned BT back to see if they could deal with the order and our requirements, this time the guy I spoke to said there were two proprties listed for the address our rented property is at. One was just number 60, this had never had a line, the other one was number 60 but had a house name, this had a phone line and was still connected. This was a result as it meant that no engineer was required to visit, which is diffcilt to organise when we will not acutally be living there. The service is due to start on 1st June, equipment will be delivered to my mums address, where we are staying, on 1st June and this is in good time for 2nd June when we plan to go up there for half term week.
Today I have been packing and wrapping up the pictures and photos. Decided to take photos out of frames and keep these with us at Mums, just in case someone breaks into the rented property, things like photos cannot be replaced. We have so many boxes now around the place, either packed, partially packed or flat packed waiting to be filled.
Tomorrow it is the rabbits turn to be packed up and moved, when we take them upto to their temporary home in Cheshunt, where a kind friend is going to look after them until we move up fully to King's Lynn in the Summer.
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