It's 12 months since we put our house up for sale in London. This time a year ago the blog really took off and reading it back I can see what stress I put myself through, for at least 3 months.
In the end everything has worked out well. Helen had regular work, whilst still having some time off a week and not having all that awful planning and marking to do which took up so much of her free time.
The kids are settled into their schools, both have a group of friends, have joined clubs of various descriptions and both love their new bedrooms.
Me, well I could not be happier. I think I am more relaxed, less short tempered with the kids, have much more time for them and I really love the new area, the beautiful places and the quiet way of life up here.
Having lived in the house for a while it has become apparent that it had not been decorated as well as we thought.
It looks like a quick job was done to spruce it up. So I am finding little things to do.
Upstairs I have replaced all architraves and removed the gloss from door frames. The wood is now a wax finish and this will make future decorating easier.
The walls in the landing and stair well are now yellow, I hated the brown which was there.
I have put a patio in the garden to take trampoline and swimming pool, put coping stones on top of brick wall to stop any further damage.
I lost my job end of Nov 2012 so looking for something but not going back into Corporate world. Will keep looking for something appropriate.
The community allotment should take off again soon as the weather improves. I have done some work on the Compost bins though in the cold.
Otherwise I keep myself busy cleaning the house, washing, ironing and shopping. I get to do little jobs round the house when needed and when weather is good I get to explore this lovely place on my bike.
How different it was this time 12 months ago.
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